About Us
Keiko at Aikikai Wien 2015
Aiki no Michi DOJO
The path of Aiki (Aiki no Michi) is limitless (OSENSEI)
The AIKI NO MICHI was founded in 1981 by Dr. Ronald KARNIK as a non-profit organisation (ZVRZahl:965536114).
Dr. KARNIK was a long time Jiu-Jitsu practitioner when he was introduced in the art of Aikido by IWAMOTO Sensei in 1972 who was sent to Vienna at this time. In the late seventies Dr. KARNIK temporarily moved to Paris. There he studied Aikido under the guidance of NORO Sensei who named his style KI NO MICHI. After returning to Vienna, Dr. KARNIK founded the AIKI NO MICHI –Aikido club. AIKI NO MICHI is another reading of AIKIDO, which was used by O SENSEI UESHIBA before the war.
2011 the Dojo was given officially to Bernhard WARDEIN (5th Dan Aikikai). He started in 1980 with Budo (Karate , later Iaido). Since 1989 he practises Aikido in this Dojo.
Da es im AIKINOMICHI immer schon Tradition war, so oft wie möglich auf internationale Fortbildungen zu fahren, lernten wir zahlreiche Meister kennen. Ende der 90er Jahre trafen wir Christian TISSIER Shihan. Sensei. In the following years the closer the contact became the more we appreciated his didactic skills and the benefit of studying according to his teaching system and declared us as his students. Through him and his students, particularly by Stéphane GOFFIN, we received a lot of support.
Shidouin and Active "Blackbelts" in Aikinomichi指導員と有段者
Brigitte PRASEK (5Dan Aikikai) practises Aikido since 1984. Active in Aikinomichi since 1991. Shoumokuroku and Dojo-chief in Shinto Muso Ryu (VJK Ronin)
Mag. Vera MOLITOR stared with Iwamoto Sensei and is a Student of Yamada Sensei / NY DI Alexander KLEIN Florian KITTEL DI Hans Jürgen HANDLER 5.Dan Karate, 2. Dan Aikido; started 1988 with Karate and 2004 with Aikido Mag. Mounir TAKRITI Mag. Phillip STOCKENREITER Siegfried FRIEDRICH Daniel STIFTER 2.Dan Dr. Oliver ALTENHUBER
Dojo (Bernhard Wardein) |